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$1,060,000 Arbutus, Maryland

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12,000 square feet Self-Storage Warehouse on 1.3 acres

  1. No upfront fees, tax returns or income verification
  2. Refinance and cash-out self-storage warehouse located at 4424 John Ave., Arbutus, MD 21227
  3. 100% leased
  4. Term: 10 years
  5. Interest rate: 6.25%+
  6. 30 year amortization
  7. Prepayment penalty: 5/4/3/2/1
  8. Minimum DSCR: 1.25X
  9. 700+ credit score
  10. Loan Position: 1st
  11. Third party fees for appraisal, title work, property insurance, legal, processing, underwriting, escrow and other customary expenses.
  12. Funding 4 to 6 weeks from receipt of completed loan docs.


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